This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world.
We are glad for many reasons that you come to listen today. Your center has been dislodged and shaken and you will find this process very centering particularly as you bring it into the light of day. Things are in motion for you to do that.
As you experience the love and wisdom and direct guidance that comes through you, your faith in these realities is restored. So let’s start with a question of yours first. Stan do you have any questions to start with?
The obvious one would be, is there anything I need to know or ask or be aware as I head into this negotiation [for] this job?
Take us with you. Leave behind habits you have carried with you your whole life and carry Truth with you instead. Leave behind stories, states of mind, anxiety, approval seeking. Just be present in this moment.
Can you feel a shift in you as we speak about that?
That’s the place you want to come from. The present moment as a Warrior, the present moment as a Magician. The present moment as a King.
In the archetypal realm, your Lover has been dominant, including the shadow side. And we could well advise you in this negotiation your lover needs to take a back seat, or even be left at home. This is a negotiation for the King. This is a negotiation for the Warrior. If you hold those energies as you prepare, all will be in order.
You are surrounded by a circle of men on this earthly plane that you know, but you are also surrounded by a circle of elders, including BoB, including others that have loved you in lifetimes you don’t remember. This doorway opening is a chance for you to shine and influence and empower others in ways you have longed to do but not known how to do it. This job opens that doorway to you. And to step into that job you need to step into a different energy that you have experienced but not held.
You would have moments. Then you would go back to the older patterns of lack and approval-seeking, victimization and resentment.
This position has no room for those. And you will be best served by spending the next few days in anticipation noticing when you slip into victim, noticing when you slip into approval seeking. Noticing when you slip into flash judgments and resentments. And other habitual energy stances that do not serve you, or the Whole.

This is a chance to grow. And you are up to it. You have had experience there. The story that would probably serve you best is the two damaged tires in the Cotswolds right before your once in a lifetime opportunity.* Do you recall the energy of that situation?
I do.
What did you have to do to get out of that space of anger and victimization and frustration?
Shift my energy to the job at hand, and keep my eye on the outcome I needed. And put away, simply banish those other thoughts.
Keep that story in mind. And we’re not predicting there will be mishaps, that’s not what we’re saying. What we’re reminding you of is the damaged tire, the things going wrong, the unfairness. That’s been a lifetime energy stance of yours. Are we correct?
We’re not saying it occurs every moment. But frequently. And that set of circumstances was juxtaposed to give you an opportunity to step out of that, deliberately. Not because the problem was solved but because it was necessary. And so here, with this new opportunity—if there’s any thought of “it never works out,” or “I don’t really want this” or any of those victim thoughts that are so familiar to you, they’re all damaged tires. They won’t take you where you want to go unless you have the Divine Help that just simply transcends them.
And you will recall that the second damaged tire did take you where you needed to go, the remainder of the trip.
(A pause here….) We want Linda to be able to hear.. to step completely out of the way, and just hear what we have to say. So we’re helping her to do that right now.
Linda, the lessons of this time are profound for you. We know it’s challenging and uncomfortable.**
Where you are heading is into a deep…a deep belief in yourself and what you have to offer. And to do that you are being taken through a time of being disappointed in what others have to offer in the way of solutions. We’re not saying you are completely alone. We’re just saying the Others don’t have your answers. Nothing is deeply wrong with you. And all of these symptoms will resolve and heal. All of them.
At the same time that you are asking for some help from Dr. [J] and Dr. [W] and others, the healing comes from inside you. And if you want to ask what else should I be doing now to heal, the answer is… trust in yourself.
You have something big to offer. And you have not believed in yourself enough to bring it to the surface. We not only want you to bring it to the surface once, we want you to stay on the surface, and walk on the water. It’s no coincidence that the story about the water skiing (see footnote at page bottom) has been running through your mind the last few days, or that you saw Ellen [DeGeneres]*** speak of her time of speaking her truth and being shut out for a period.
You are in the middle of that time, of experimenting with the principles and feeling that they don’t work, for you… and you don’t know if you have anything important to say anyway… you are There.
And there is a Light just beyond where you see right now. As far as your own personal healing goes, it’s less about take that supplement and eat that food, and more about Absolutely Know This Healing Is Yours. And all things will come together, including your vision, including your body working perfectly, in all ways again, including your radiance, your beauty, your truth, your voice.
And you will look back on it and realize that the rough spots in the path had to happen in part to remove you from the belief in a formula that was going to fix you.
Do either of you have any other questions, small or large?
I’m inspired to ask… what kinds of awarenesses and understandings would Linda need to feel secure given her family of origin and experiences of abandonment? Are there processes or awarenesses or insights that can help her body settle into relaxation rather than over-alert mode?
That’s a very good question and even though it might not seem tremendously visible she is doing that right now and here are the steps we can break out for you.
She had to relax about money, lay aside worry and fear about money enough to ask for the professional [medical] help she needed to feel supported. And we think you can understand that, right?
So even though a professional may not have THE answer, the fact that she can explore with other knowledgeable people is helpful to her. It loosens the grip of aloneness and abandonment that she’s carried all of her life. And your presence is helpful, your literal presence. Being Presence to her is a very powerful energy that you don’t always honor. Living together is useful and helpful but really being present is powerful.
Her work with M is important. Of all the people she’s seeing now M has the strongest energy to help her get to a different place. She has the pieces set in place for this… and her fear of not enoughness and being alone are large players in this whole dynamic.
So to the extent that you can be intermittently truly present, even though it may look to you like it’s the same topic that’s been discussed many times before, that you can support her in getting the help that seems right at that time and that you can absolutely trust and you can help her trust that she will completely heal from this and that her gifts in the world are linked to this experience… all of those are powerful.
The gift is something like “Know Yourself, Trust in Yourself and your connection to the Divine. You have gifts for the world and you are healed.” Her lesson is something like that and any part you can play in supporting that and remembering that [is vital].
That’s not unlike the lesson everyone is offered. Does that help for you?
Uh Hum.
Encourage her to transcribe this lesson. You are never alone. You have a council of elders with you as you go to [your interview] and whatever day that might be we encourage you to NOT listen to the radio on the way down and NOT worry, but instead to imagine yourself surrounded by your guides and your men. Know that as you move into this job, the energy that you want is not the shadow lover—who is fine and will still appear—but instead the golden version of the King and the Warrior, who have something powerful to give to the world. and will richly enjoy every part of it.
And with that we say You are blessed. Thank you for listening.
*Cotswolds and damaged tires: In April 2016, Stan and I were in England at the invitation of Prince Charles, for Stan to speak on Composting at the Highgrove Gardens Festival. We were driving a rented car on the left side of a very narrow, heavily travelled, super-fast winding road. We had a blowout in a dangerous location. We were rescued and the tire was replaced, amidst adrenalin and angst. The following day we drove to Tetbury, in preparation for Stan’s speech. The evening before his talk, we hit another curb/highway marker and again, the new tire was damaged. We were in shock. Self-judgments, anger, and frustration were going off like fireworks in both our minds. But he had prepared for this talk – literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So after careful examination we chose to calm ourselves and pray, and to drive on this second damaged tire. On the eve of his speech, he walked a spell in the rainy English countryside, getting his mojo and his peace back. Setting the damage and worry on the back burner. The next afternoon, the speech was awesome and very well received. The tire carried us the remainder of the trip. AND insurance paid 100{e5e6110c802fdb1e05cdfcf4662e0e010d7c870f1f57cfa3ea8c73ada09f2974} of both tires.
** At the time of this channeling my health issues were long-term double vision and my frustration over not finding/getting a healing about this, plus a several-weeks episode of serious sinus congestion.
*** Ellen DeGeneres speaks in a Tulane University commencement address of her coming out time, both privately and on her show, facing her fears and doing it. And how she was then fired. For 3 years after her phone didn’t ring. But meantime, she was getting letters from young people telling her how brave she was and how it made such a difference to them to hear her come out. After a time, she was offered her own new show. And she says, “it had to be like that.” A few moments after this channeling, this came to me: “What if the fact that I’m suffering doesn’t mean I’ve done something wrong to bring this on, but it is simply part of the journey? The journey of deepening and enriching my soul? What if the suffering we are experiencing is actually soul work—to grow us from one level to another?”
And Stan said, “Seasoning.”