I was part of a discussion recently about atheism. A professor was asking the students to provide evidence of the existence of God.
While I would probably fail if the assignment was mine to do, I don’t lack for responses, and it set me to thinking.
Can you provide evidence of the existence of Love?
It’s true, people act like they love each other, but what proof is there? Nothing is tangible. Nothing is measurable. Obviously it disappears sometimes. People say they love each other, and then later they don’t, so maybe it wasn’t there at all. Could you – or I – prove to someone who didn’t believe in Love, that Love exists? I’m not sure that I could.
But I know that it does.
Can you provide evidence of the existence of Gravity?
Of course, things fall to the ground, we all know that. But maybe that’s just the way the earth works. Why does there have to be a force? There is no proof that there’s a force called gravity. Well sure, out in space things are different, but that’s to be expected. You cannot see it, touch it, taste it, measure it, etc. Why do some people think it exists?
Can you provide evidence of the existence of God?
No, I can’t provide evidence of an Old Testament angry God. I don’t believe that God is real, except in people’s minds.
But here is what I know absolutely.
The Universe (which is another name for God) is responsive.
Before I explain further, a little detour.. let’s imagine a young woman who has been traumatized as a child by people who said they loved her – perhaps beaten, even assaulted. Her concept of Love is completely corrupted by what has happened to her. Now, as an adult, she no longer believes in Love.
“Love doesn’t exist. It’s all fake. People just act like they love each other so they can get what they want. Prove to me that Love exists. I don’t believe it.”
What are the chances of her finding a healthy romantic relationship, or even a solid friendship, in the face of her beliefs?
Little to none. Practically zero. Why? Because the Universe is responsive. Her mind is powerful enough to overcome the truth that Love exists, at least for the duration of her beliefs, and perhaps her entire lifetime.
I’m not saying that simple affirmations or statements will bring about something. I AM saying The Universe is Responsive.
Over time, statements, convictions, and deeply held beliefs we have show up in our lives and bring us “proof.” This young woman is quite likely to find herself in similar situations to her childhood dynamics that “prove” to her that Love doesn’t exist.
The Universe is Responsive.
Over time, by contrast, if I am convinced that Love is all there is, and that people simply choose to deny or contradict it sometimes, my life demonstrates that Love. The Universe is Responsive.
In my garden, if I Love and nurture and spend time with the plants, I am rewarded with a great harvest and little surprises.
In my family, if I Love and spend time with my little grandchildren, I’m rewarded with a huge smile a week later from my one-year old, who remembers and loves me back.
In my marriage, if I Love and appreciate and devote time to my relationship, I’m rewarded by a deep sense of connection. No, I can’t prove the existence of that Love. But I can savor it.
Simply put – over time, what we are deeply convinced of shows up in our lives. The Universe is Responsive.
If you are deeply convinced you are isolated and alone, that will show up in your life. Much like an anorexic who is thin to the point of death can look in the mirror and “see” fat, you will ignore the love and connection that is in your life and see only the isolation.
If you are deeply convinced the Universe is a loving place and you are connected, that will show up in your life. You will find yourself in mostly loving relationships and activities, and will find creative and loving ways to navigate difficulties so that more love appears.
God is Mystery. God is Principle. God is Responsive. God is Love.
If you’ve had trauma that convinced you that Love doesn’t exist, or Love hurts, or you are alone, there is help to heal that trauma.
You CAN learn to open, trust, Love, and experience the responsiveness of the Universe from a place of deepening Love. You don’t have to prove it to anyone. Just experiment.
The Universe is Love and and the Universe will respond to you.
I cannot prove the existence of Love or God or even gravity to you. But you can prove it to yourself.
© by Linda Chubbuck 2019