The Bindweed Takeover’s Life Lesson

My gardener dad taught me many things.  One of the most memorable was how bad bindweed is.  I mean, it’s like the end of the world. If you get bindweed you will never get rid of it.  It will take over and strangle your garden, your flowers, everything.  There’s nothing you can do except poison, and you have to keep poisoning it for a long long time.

Bindweed on bare ground

Wow.   I could see what it did – take over whole areas he was trying to garden in, filling the bare spots, climbing up the tomatoes and peppers. Yikes!

Years ago, gardening in Central Kansas, I got a load of horse manure compost from my neighbors. I was so happy about the rich bonus and we spread it over the garden.

But by late summer, the first bindweed I’d ever had appeared in my garden.  Oh no!  It was apparently in the manure – I was freaked. I was gardening organically and had no idea what to do.   

Eventually I moved. Problem solved. 

Fast forward – years later, gardening in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, bindweed appeared next to our fence. All my fears and memories of bindweed came rushing back. I hoed. I pulled. I asked Stan to do the same.  

Still it expanded. It climbed up all our raspberry bushes and strangled them. It crept up the back fence. It wound itself across the grass and into our regular vegetable garden.  

Bindweed climbing up sedum plants

The bindweed exhausted me. I was discouraged and despairing. I didn’t want to move to escape this pestilence. 

But I didn’t want to give up my entire garden to the Bindweed Takeover. 

In the absence of a remedy, I just kept plugging along. One day I came across a book, called Weeds – Control without Poison (Charles Walters).  It’s a weird book and a radical concept for sure.  But I read parts of it, including what it said about bindweed.  

Come to find out, bindweed is an opportunistic weed, Mother Nature’s clean-up crew, sent in when the soil is poor and or the ground is bare. Suddenly I had childhood memories of barren soil driveways leading into fields – thick with bindweed.  I read further. 

I learned that certain plants are Nature’s remedial crews, which over a few years, provide the organic matter and processes that impoverished soils need.  When their work is complete, they die out and are replaced by other plants which do better in richer soil. 

Wow! I thought about this for weeks, replaying garden and weed interactions from my past.  Is this true? Then my mind skipped over into Life itself… is there a metaphor here?

After I pondered this concept for several months I convinced Stan to help me make major changes to the garden. We removed the strangled raspberries and replanted some of those roots (carefully cleaned) to a new bed free of bindweed. We put grass – tough grass, thick grass – where the bindweed was the thickest and got it going, then simply mowed regularly.  In the garden, where the bindweed had intruded, I vowed to compost and enrich the heck out of the soil, making the bindweed unnecessary and unwelcome.   

All this we did. In addition, once the thick field of bindweed roots and plants was no longer flourishing, we rigorously pulled and hoed EVERY SINGLE ONE of the isolated plants that would pop up. Yep, there were a lot. But we removed a lot also. We are still doing it every time we visit the garden, but there’s not a lot to do.   

This summer, about 4 years after the major changes, I have an asparagus patch to die for.  Lush. Extravagant. Prolific. Spreading. Right where the bindweed used to live. I can barely  find any bindweed at all there anymore.  

And the rest of the garden is the equally clean. We still have to pull individual plants, but it’s not taking over anything.  

What’s the metaphor?  

Remember Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come”?  

In the same way, if you un-build something, things will disappear. 

When I spent lots of time focusing on how bad the Bindweed Takeover was, I was stressed and discouraged, constantly trying to beat it. 

But when I began to understand, appreciating the role bindweed was playing in my garden, and creating a space that didn’t invite bindweed – then it subsided, almost to disappearing.   

Yes, I did have to pay attention and root out the single plants popping up. I had to be consistent about that. But, my reward is a rich and sumptuous garden, right where the bindweed used to be. So worth it!

Are we too focused on fighting something that seems huge and overwhelming and monstrous?  What if we make an environment where “it” is no longer welcome? What if we join forces, learn and understand, and make “it” outdated and unwelcome?

Yes, we will still have to face and eliminate isolated instances. But we can change the habitat, and the species that found it most inviting will go elsewhere.

Lush and thriving asparagus patch in midsummer

Whether the issue is bindweed, or systemic racism, or corruption in politics, or hate crimes… coming together as humans across all kinds of lines, to create an enriched environment where these things are not welcome, is possible.  

Is it easy? No.  

Is it simply positive thinking? Absolutely not.  

But joining hands, and working together to make fertile ground where all of us (all colors, all religions, all cultures) can thrive is not only possible but actually exciting.  

When the ground is fertile for healthy and happy living for all people (all beings actually), then it will be easier to root out the “bindweed” that does show up – the acts of hate or violence – and deal with them, eliminate them.  

Do not mistake what I’m suggesting as only positive thinking.  There’s much more work involved here, and much more understanding.  

We have become accustomed to an impoverished environment where noxious intruders are comfortable. When we create a rich, connected, fertile environment those intruders will fade. And we’ll have the power and clarity to deal with them one at a time. 

Thank you, Bindweed, for the valuable lesson.   

© Linda Chubbuck 2020

Sent by God

In 1999 I met a brilliant man.  I had led a “sheltered” life the decades prior to that year.  First married, then divorced, I was raising my kids in my country home in rural Kansas.  Sure I had a college education and I read.  But truly, the new people entering my life were rare – maybe one every year or so. 

Then J appeared.  He was mesmerizing, creative, a great storyteller.  I was firmly set on a spiritual path, and he told me he came to me because he was God’s answer to my prayers.  

I sort of believed him.  Two weeks after we met, he proposed.  I said yes.  We set the date for two months later.  J was charismatic – even my son said he was a miracle in our lives. 

Two days before the wedding he blew up at me for my relationship with that same son.  I was enmeshed, he said. He threatened to leave, and walked out for a day. 

I swallowed hard, apologized, and we married two days later.  

That scenario repeated itself dozens of times over the next year.  I scrambled to “clean up” my relationships so I could be close to J.   I cut out one person after another based on his assessment (judgment).  The sudden blowups continued as he judged nearly all of my relationships as co-dependent, enmeshed, entangled. I needed to clean them all up.   

J reminded me regularly that he was – literally – God’s answer to my prayers:  for a closer walk with God, for improved relationships, for a partner, for creativity.  

Yes, he was God’s answer to my prayers.  God sent him to me. 

As the months went by with J, I became isolated, stressed, and my body began to suffer with mysterious aches and weaknesses.  I didn’t know what was happening and I had no one – except J – to talk to about it. Despite his great story-telling, our huge dreams, and our exciting travels, I was increasingly depressed.  He was moving out about once every 3 weeks, then back in again a few days later.  We changed homes 3 times in one year.  All of my belongings (and my children’s keepsakes) were in storage and unavailable to me – jumbled. 

My mind was a maze of confusion and fear.  My body felt like hell.  My life felt like hell.  Inside, I was still praying.  God, what is going on?  God, what do you want me to do?  Despite all J’s pronouncements and certainty, this didn’t feel like Love to me. 

I have always believed in love. Love as a force. Even when I didn’t believe in God, I believed in Love and in Truth. 

I was so confused. 

One day, my prayers were answered – again – when a poster in a mall asked the question, “Does anything about your relationship scare you?”

Hell yes. Almost everything.  

The poster was an invitation to call the Domestic Violence help line.   

I did so. I left with my suitcase the next morning. 

So I have a question for you.  

Is there anyone you believe was sent by God but what they do doesn’t feel like love?  It doesn’t feel like truth?  It doesn’t feel like integrity?

I don’t care whether it’s a close up and personal relationship or whether it’s the president of the United States.  I don’t care whether it’s a Senator, or a friend.  

If you are passionate that this person was sent by God, but what they do doesn’t feel like Love – or Honor – or Truth – or Integrity, think on this.   

What if God sent this person to you – or to us – to reveal the ugliness of hatred?  To reveal the ugliness of judging others?  To reveal the ugliness of racism, and corruption?

I used my free will to walk away from the Man who was Sent by God. I lost much of what I valued in my life. I cried for months.  I made apologies and amends to those I had judged and alienated. I prayed and spent time in the ashes of humiliation.  

Slowly I mended my life. I pondered the lessons of what judgment does to relationships, what self-righteousness does to Love.   

If you believe Donald Trump and company were sent by God, I invite you to answer this question – does anything he does feel like Love?

What would Love do?  What would Jesus do?  

If you believe Donald Trump was sent by God, I challenge you to consider what God might have wanted you to learn from this? 

I challenge you to awaken your own conscience.  It might just be a Revelation. 

© Linda Chubbuck 2020


Atheism and the Responsiveness Mystery

Fog droplets in predawn moonlight

I was part of a discussion recently about atheism. A professor was asking the students to provide evidence of the existence of God.

While I would probably fail if the assignment was mine to do, I don’t lack for responses, and it set me to thinking.   

Can you provide evidence of the existence of Love?  

It’s true, people act like they love each other, but what proof is there? Nothing is tangible.  Nothing is measurable. Obviously it disappears sometimes.  People say they love each other, and then later they don’t, so maybe it wasn’t there at all. Could you – or I – prove to someone who didn’t believe in Love, that Love exists?  I’m not sure that I could.   

But I know that it does.   

Can you provide evidence of the existence of Gravity?

Of course, things fall to the ground, we all know that. But maybe that’s just the way the earth works. Why does there have to be a force? There is no proof that there’s a force called gravity.   Well sure, out in space things are different, but that’s to be expected. You cannot see it, touch it, taste it, measure it, etc. Why do some people think it exists?  

Can you provide evidence of the existence of God?

No, I can’t provide evidence of an Old Testament angry God. I don’t believe that God is real, except in people’s minds.   

But here is what I know absolutely.  

The Universe (which is another name for God) is responsive. 


Before I explain further, a little detour.. let’s imagine a young woman who has been traumatized as a child by people who said they loved her – perhaps beaten, even assaulted.  Her concept of Love is completely corrupted by what has happened to her. Now, as an adult, she no longer believes in Love.  

“Love doesn’t exist. It’s all fake. People just act like they love each other so they can get what they want. Prove to me that Love exists. I don’t believe it.”

What are the chances of her finding a healthy romantic relationship, or even a solid friendship, in the face of her beliefs?

Little to none. Practically zero. Why?  Because the Universe is responsive. Her mind is powerful enough to overcome the truth that Love exists, at least for the duration of her beliefs, and perhaps her entire lifetime. 

I’m not saying that simple affirmations or statements will bring about something. I AM saying The Universe is Responsive.  

Over time, statements, convictions, and deeply held beliefs we have show up in our lives and bring us “proof.” This young woman is quite likely to find herself in similar situations to her childhood dynamics that “prove” to her that Love doesn’t exist. 

The Universe is Responsive.  

Over time, by contrast, if I am convinced that Love is all there is, and that people simply choose to deny or contradict it sometimes, my life demonstrates that Love. The Universe is Responsive.   

In my garden, if I Love and nurture and spend time with the plants, I am rewarded with a great harvest and little surprises.   

In my family, if I Love and spend time with my little grandchildren, I’m rewarded with a huge smile a week later from my one-year old, who remembers and loves me back.  

In my marriage, if I Love and appreciate and devote time to my relationship, I’m rewarded by a deep sense of connection. No, I can’t prove the existence of that Love.  But I can savor it.

Simply put – over time, what we are deeply convinced of shows up in our lives. The Universe is Responsive.   

If you are deeply convinced you are isolated and alone, that will show up in your life. Much like an anorexic who is thin to the point of death can look in the mirror and “see” fat, you will ignore the love and connection that is in your life and see only the isolation.  

If you are deeply convinced the Universe is a loving place and you are connected, that will show up in your life. You will find yourself in mostly loving relationships and activities, and will find creative and loving ways to navigate difficulties so that more love appears.  

God is Mystery. God is Principle. God is Responsive. God is Love. 

If you’ve had trauma that convinced you that Love doesn’t exist, or Love hurts, or you are alone, there is help to heal that trauma. 

You CAN learn to open, trust, Love, and experience the responsiveness of the Universe from a place of deepening Love. You don’t have to prove it to anyone. Just experiment.  

The Universe is Love and and the Universe will respond to you. 

I cannot prove the existence of Love or God or even gravity to you.  But you can prove it to yourself.  

   © by Linda Chubbuck 2019 

The Power of Naming Your Hero

Parker Curry, age 2, was being difficult.  Her mama wanted her to turn around so she could snap a photo of her in front of the regal portrait of Michelle Obama.  But Parker ignored her, and stared transfixed at the image itself.  In that moment, another visitor, Ben Hines, snapped a photo from the side, revealing Parker’s jaw-dropping awe. 

Hines posted his photo on Facebook and it went viral.  

Parker has now met and even had a dance party with Mrs. Obama. Suddenly the gates of possibility have been opened to her. This little girl’s entire life will probably be altered by her mama taking her to see a portrait of former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Name Your Heroes

When I was 13 I went to “town school” for the first time, after spending my first eight grades in a one room school seven miles outside of our small town.  I signed up for Chorus and quickly fell for both the music and the teacher, Mr. Secrest. My whole world opened up with music and by my sophomore year I was in the choir and small groups.  All my friendships developed out of choir and I felt at home there, if hardly anywhere else at the much larger school. By my junior year I had a new music teacher, also a man.  

Because both my parents were college grads, it was assumed I would go to college (even though it was also assumed I would marry and not need to work – it was the early ’60’s and that was still the expectation where I lived). But what was I going to do?  What would I major in?  I had no idea. Teaching felt really natural to me, but what would I teach?  Obviously I couldn’t teach music.. I was female. It never even crossed my mind.

Until one day in my senior year.  

That day my music teacher, Mr. Miller, brought in a lovely young woman and introduced her as our Student Teacher. Really? I couldn’t believe it. Remember Shari Lewis and LambChop? To me she looked just like the beautiful Shari Lewis… how could she be a music teacher?

The days went by with her observing, until one day Mr. Miller left her in charge. And, we sang.  We worked together with her, for her, and I loved her in the same way I had loved my male teachers.  

But she opened a door for me that neither of the men had opened. If she could be a music teacher, so could I.

I started college in the fall of 1966, majoring in music and graduated four years later with a music degree.  None of that would have happened without Miss Vathauer, who was one of my first heroes (she-roes!).

Unbeknownst to her, she lit a light that I followed and it changed my life. 

We are watching as powerful men and sometimes women fall from their positions of power.  We see the inauthenticity and outright lies and it’s easy to become cynical.  Who could possibly be my hero now?! 

In the early ’90’s I became obsessed with Styx’s song “Show me the Way.” “All the heroes and legends I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay….and I feel this emptiness inside – so afraid, I’ve lost my faith.”

But if we don’t require our heroes and she-roes to be perfect, simply authentic and real and courageous – our lives will be richer for having them.  

The Superheroes in Black Panther are affecting children of color powerfully.  But if you want a new human hero, follow the stories of the real people – like director, Ryan Coogler.  Or Lupita Nyong’o.  Or Oprah Winfrey.  Or… the lists could go on and on.  

Who is your hero or she-ro? Who makes you wish you had done what they have done?  Who is a shining light? Let someone inspire you. Follow the stories, paintings, songs, songwriters, authors, actors, entrepreneurs… discover the ones that electrify you.  That make you believe MORE is possible than you ever dreamed.  

There is tremendous power in naming and learning about our heroes. To focus on your heroes is to turn towards what is possible, away from what is wrong.  

And you will find yourself someone’s hero one day.   

From Wallflower to Wonder Woman, from Beggar to King

Wonder Woman

This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only.  It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world.   

Don’t despair unless it’s just to release emotions. You are quite literally being taken through a sequence of pressures to lift you up to another level.

From down in the water it feels senseless and punishing and discouraging and difficult. Wallflower feelingBut we swear to you the life you want is as close as that little lift that puts you up on top. It’s that close.  And that different. The contrast is as great as that contrast in water skiing*.

That confidence that you see and envy in Tama Kieves or Sonia Choquette.. that belongs to you.  It’s yours.  But you have kept that streak of wallflower uncertainty as if it was your protection.

Right now you are being taken through a sequence of happenings. Imagine yourself being slammed up against the wall – your wallflower wall.

Finally your anger, your frustration, your innate boldness says enough!  And you lift yourself up and out. You go from wallflower to Wonder Woman. We say again, it’s not that far. It’s very close.

Wonder Woman

It’s like flipping a switch or jumping to the next track.

Before you go to sleep tonight, ask for a dream that will help you lock onto your guidance and trust it. Practice with the pendulum. Practice trusting all of this.

Your life is about to change. And you will never go back again.



Stan, do you have anything to ask?

The obvious one is the new job coming up.  It seems daunting with lots of balls in the air?

The King energy is the answer. Move into The King Energy and stay there. You need wisdom and vision and authority.

If you could see this image… see a traditional King, the monarch, beneficent, wise, in his throne, in his place. Now see a beggar in the room, with an audience to the king, begging, pleading, asking, groveling. Can you feel both of those energies in you?


Where have you spent more time?

As the beggar.

This is your time.  You’ve been invited by a King**. You know what that energy is. There’s no other answer that we can give you, other than stay in that energy. When you feel yourself sliding back, step over again. Worry is always not only useless, but actually destructive to your dreams. So the appropriate response to worry is The King Energy.

Can you feel the truth in that answer?


We know you can do it but you may have to do it a hundred times over a period of a few days.  Don’t let yourself become the beggar again. Just love that beggar and forgive that beggar for running a disproportionate portion of your life. Just forgive him – that was the best he knew. But he’s not the only part of you. You have been declaring that you want change and you’re ready for something large, something big, something that can make a difference in your life and others.

To do that you cannot be the beggar. No one begs their way into greatness. Yes?


Thank you for coming to listen.  We encourage you to do it often.

*WaterSkiing – as a youth, I learned to water ski one weekend, and was for several tries dragged through the water by the boat, sputtering and hating it. I felt like I was drowning. Then suddenly I got it. I pulled my legs and feet together and rose up on top of the water.  It was a delicious and powerful feeling and made all the previous failure seem unimportant. 

** My husband Stan Slaughter was invited in 2016 to speak at Highgrove Gardens, by HRH Prince Charles, on the topic of Compost and Soil fertility.  We had the trip of a lifetime on the Prince’s estate and traveling in southern England.   Search on GoFundMe for Invitation from Prince Charles for the whole story.