Seeds of Life Gardens is the nature-love-child of Linda Chubbuck and Stan Slaughter. From two flood-plain vacant lots we acquired in January 2022, we are creating a tiny forest and a pocket prairie, with a combination of native plants, fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, mushrooms and more. We are also growing some vegetable crops in the center.
Located in suburban Lee’s Summit, Seeds of Life Gardens must be reasonably presentable to the public. No fences, no structures, no utilities can be added. Despite the occasional shaggy-lawn appearance, most passers-by comment favorably about our work and several even offer a sincere “Thank you for what you are doing!”

Why do we do this? Why do we take on two quarter-acre lots (which were previously being mowed by the City), which require upkeep and offer no profit at all? Here are our reasons:
- It’s a “God thing..” i.e seemed like a divinely inspired thing to do.
- Short of moving to the country, this was the way we could acquire more land.
- Our work here is giving back to nature. Returning native plants to a previously developed space benefits pollinators, butterflies, birds and more.
- It’s educational. We’ve learned so much and many of our neighbors and neighborhood walkers ask questions and are truly interested.
- The gardens should be spectacular in 2-3 years!
- We want to inspire others to plant native plants, trees and shrubs on vacant lots as well as on their own front and back lawns.
We have been assisted by Missouri Organic Recycling’s CLIMATE FRIENDLY YARD MAKEOVER (CFYM) in 2022 and 2023. We’ve also benefited from an overall native plant design/plan on the south lot by Will Gibson, of DTEKC (Down to Earth KC). That plan is still being implemented and will take a few years to be fully visible.
Others who have assisted include Dan Krull, Jacob Canyon, Vicki Hager, Judy Best, Adam Johnson… and others whom I may have missed. We are grateful to all!
Please follow us on Instagram (Seeds of Life Gardens) or Facebook
If you want to help and learn, please contact us through DM or through this web site.