Conversations with Yeshua. This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world.
Linda has been distressed at what she experiences as her distractibility and lack of focus and we would remind you that 2-3 simple practices can alter that. We will bring those up for examination now.
So the greater ease in your lives because of consistent income has reduced pressure and to some extent reduced focus especially in Linda. The doorways seem wider and more open and there are so many that she would enjoy walking through. So if you think of yourself as a spiritual and emotional refugee that has come from a difficult and challenging time and now you are in a space where you have everything you need – you have the ability to make choices and one of the things that can happen is a lack of focus.
There’s no need to chide yourself but it may help just to understand it. The remedy is to return your focus to your inner world and at least for the moment remove it from the outer world. Your inner world is rich and true and creative. With practices in place to check in there regularly, your distress at lack of focus will dissolve and you will find yourself playing a part in that larger outer world as well.
We encourage you to use a recorded insight meditation to restore your focus. We encourage you to journal and to channel. To call Silent Unity today, to write on your book today. Clear the channel and you will find your way again. Rather quickly because you are not as lost as you judge yourself to be.
We know that you have been distraught and despairing and even cynical about what is happening in the world. This is because of where you are in your gift to the world… you have a sensitivity.
In many ways you are an empath for the world and that’s not so easy. You are successful at creating boundaries with other persons in your family and your life and you do relatively well at that. But you have few filters and few boundaries when it comes to the planet.

And yet we admonish you to remember that your gift and your power lie in your own work and your own focus. A great deal of your pain in regards to the world will lift as you recommit to focusing on your own depth of connection. As you put your own gifts out into the world.
So imagine yourself as the herbalist, the herbalist who lives in the forest at the edge of the village, who knows so much and loves so greatly. But a plague comes and takes down the people of the town. And many people are suffering.
As the forest-dwelling herbalist do you stand on the edge of the village and watch in anguish as the plague takes people down? or do you go home and mix your healing remedies and do what you can?
We know you know. We are always with you, even when you feel you have lost focus we are right here.
Conversations with Yeshua. All rights reserved Linda Chubbuck 2018.
June 28, 2018
Thank you ????????