Conversations with Yeshua. This is channeled material, edited minimally for clarity only. It is personal information given to me and my husband Stan, but relevant to many situations and this is one I am asked to share with the world. From a session with Stan and Linda only.
Linda’s concerns are about managing her mind to affect change in her life. We will speak to that as soon as she steps out of the way a little more.
So right now Linda —and Stan, you’re not far behind with this as well —Linda you are going through a significant physiological change. Just imagine, remember, the time when you were about to deliver one of the babies. Remember the delivery itself and the aftermath. During those times, no matter how much you told your mind to calm down in your psyche, and your being-ness to relax — it wasn’t actually, really possible for you at that time.
And you’re in a major time of transition right now. Globally the human race is in transition right now.

Consciousness is moving into the mainstream. People who’ve long believed these principles that you believe are testing them. Do they really work in times of crisis and fear?
Other people are just in fear. This is happening globally. Locally, personally, you are making physiological changes which are significant, even profound. and of course it’s important to continue with your meditative practices. But it’s also important for you to not judge yourself for not feeling the deep relaxation every day you wish you could
You are putting your body into a transition to aid in healing, you are learning, you are unlearning. And not all of those hours will be peaceful. However the more you refuse to indulge in fear, the more opportunities for peace you will find.
We are with you always. The outcomes you desire are not only possible, they are inevitable with the track that you are on, with your continued intention and your continued willingness to change. So take heart and take each step along the way. We will help you always.
Stan, do you have questions, or topics?
S. We’ve kind of covered my situation.
Pay attention to the energy of what you are putting out and the energy of what you are putting in (to yourself). Who are you thinking of, or what? What activity or who can you think of that radiates a higher vibration than you are at, and therefore inspires you… and uplifts you, and moves you along? Can you give one or two examples?
S. I think this meeting with C. and the PNE group I can take a leadership role and be more confident and just stand up. (sigh…)
Yes, that’s good. However what we were asking you, is as far as you being around other other people, you absorbing things, what can you recognize in the last couple of weeks that is a higher vibration that helps lift you up?
S. Eckhart Tolle tapes. Huge.
And are you aware that even though you don’t remember every word, or every teaching, that it still has an impact on you?
S. Oh yeah.
This is energy. The energy of nature unaffected by humans’ unconsciousness. Whatever small or large part of nature you can find, that is…unaffected. And part of that is in your backyard, when you go into the small, the miniature. Part of it is in the grandeur of the wild and everything in between. Some of it is in teachers who have found a large measure of peace and the words to express that. Some of it is in people that you know: Dr. J, and Rev. E., and J.S.
Pay attention to the energy that you are swallowing, the energy that you are absorbing and make sure that you consciously choose high vibrational intake for a great deal of each day. And it will raise your own vibration and you will become THAT to another. Both of you.
Linda, we recommend that you use a recorded meditation. Track it down during your regular day, and use a recorded meditation for a few days assist you in your focus and to assist you in this transition time. You are in transition.
We encourage you, as your first remedy for thoughts of anxiety about another, to raise your own vibration. Make a playlist for yourself that includes several 10-30 minute meditations, and use it.
We want to encourage you to use your garden time not to figure out things, but to be present. Be present to the plants, be present to the soil, be present to the insects. Just be present.
In a crunch, when you feel pressure and start to feel anxiety, remind yourself that everything’s always working out for good for you. Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.* Everything always works out for the highest and best. And the more you remember it the quicker the solutions arrive.
Remember we are with you always. And we are glad that you come to listen. This is one way of raising your vibration.
Channeling from 4-9-17
*”Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.” is from A Course in Miracles, Introduction.